Trends in distance examinations in an IT age

Kunchon Jeotee
Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University
Nonthaburi, Thailand

This paper aims to generalize about the revolutionary change in examinations from paper-and-pencil tests to technology-based tests, such as the e-examinations in Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University (STOU) and the online examinations in the University of the Philippines Open University (UPOU). Online learning/teaching has been implemented for a considerable time, and most open universities, and also residential universitities, now offer study programmes in this way. However, online examinations seem to be provided less often. The author explored this issue and observed the online examinations in UPOU. The experience of STOU and UPOU suggests that the trends of distance examinations in an IT age are as follows:

1. Students take a computer-based examination at the same time in a testing centre, and the university provides bootable CDs or USBs which include a set of tests for each student, which are distributed to the testing centre and the students are tested under invigilation.
2. Students take an online examination at any time in a testing centre. The test items are chosen at random in the main campus by computer and delivered through Internet encrytion; and the responses are sent back to the university immediately after the submission or the time-out.
3. Students take the examination at any time and anywhere with a camera, fingerprint sensor, and a special testing program. The test-items are chosen at random in the main campus by computer and sent to identified students through Internet encryption; and the students use a special program to see and respond to the examination. The testing time is controlled by a computer in the main campus and the responses are sent back to the university immediately after the submission or the time-out.