A study on the influence of the new media on college students’ learning styles

Chen Weidong
Suzhou University of Science and Technology and Soochow University
Suzhou, China

Ye Xindong
Wenzhou University
Zhejiang, China

The new media have gradually penetrated into the lives of students, affecting their learning styles; and their influence on ways of thinking about learning is significant. Ways of thinking include dimensions such as profound ways of thinking, flexibility, innovation and critical thinking. On the basis of an analysis of these four dimensions with college students who are using new media, we have given them some guidance on how to make their usage of these media more effective.

Educators should help students to be innovative and unique, and enhance interaction through the new media. They must guide the students to use these media for learning. The students need to understand and accept the advantages of using new media technology through communicating with other people. However, while new media provide a huge amount of information, students should not place undue reliance on them as they are just learning platforms. They should improve their innovativeness in the process of using the new media and maintain their uniqueness, not blindly rely on the convenience these media bring.